International buses in Bolivia (prices, schedule)

Bolivia is bordered by 5 countries. In this article, we have collected all the information from your experience and other sources so that you can travel by bus from Bolivia to Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay.

Tickets are cheaper at bus stations. Here are 2 sites of international companies, there are sometimes sales:

The result is a large article, so select the desired section.


  1. From Bolivia to Peru
  2. From Bolivia to Chile
  3. From Bolivia to Brazil
  4. From Bolivia to Argentina
  5. From Bolivia to Paraguay

I must say that in 2018 we went on the route from Puno (Peru), through the border town of Desaguadero to La Paz, and from Bolivia we left Uyuni for Chile via the Avaroa/Ollague border crossing. A lot of photos with schedules were lost because our phone was stolen in Brazia.

The rest of the information is from the Lonely Planet book, so we use the * sign for information that is not personally verified by us. Although this book can be trusted

Many international buses from Bolivia to other countries go from the main bus station of La Paz (Terminal de buses La Paz), we will immediately write its address: autopista La Paz-El Alto & avenida Peru, so as not to repeat.

From Bolivia to Peru

1. Direct buses from the main bus station of La Paz:

  • there are buses to Lima — 400-600 BOB ($50-80), 27 hours on the road, pass through Arequipa (AreQuipa);
  • to Cusco 100-130 BOB ($15-18), about 12 hours on the road. As a rule, both routes go through the El Alto bus station ,where the ticket price will be lower. El Alto can be reached by city bus or minibus directly from the center for 1.5-2 boliviano;
  • direct buses from La Paz to Puno from 80 boliviano, 4-6 hours on the way;

2. Direct buses from Copacabana to Lima, Cuzco, Arequipa and other cities in Peru

3. With a transfer (combiar) — with a change of transport at the interstate border. Buses and minibuses go to the border of Bolivia and Peru from the area of the main cemetery “Cementerio General de La Paz”. The nearest cable car station to it is “Ajayuni” (red), as well as from the city center you can get here by city buses «micro” and a huge number of city minibuses-collectivo for 1.5-2.0 BOB, for this look for the inscription on the windshield “Cementerio».

The stop of the bus to Copacabana and on the parallel street to Desaguadero
  • through the border town of Copacabana. This is convenient if you plan to visit the island of the Sun on lake Titicaca and then go to Peru. From La Paz to Copacabana, minibuses and buses run 3-4 hours and cost 35 BOB ($5)per person (por persone) and depart from calle Jose Maria Aliaga, which is directly opposite the cemetery, from 4 am to 7 PM every 30 minutes.
Schedule for summer 2018

The border is crossed freely on foot in the Bolivian village of Casani — from the center of Copacabana only 9 km, which can be reached by Collectivo (5 soles/$1.5), and then, after crossing the state border, another 2 km to the center of Yunguayo by tuk-tuk, taxi or on foot, as you wish.

From Yunguyo to Puno, direct buses and minibuses cost about 8 sol. Direct from Copacabana to Puno from 20 sol/$6.

  • The most affordable way to get from the unofficial capital of Bolivia, La Paz, to Puno (Peru) is with a transfer through the border city of Desaguadero. Buses to Desaguadero are waiting at the intersection of calle Jose Maria Asin and calle Eyzaguirre. The fare is 15 second world war, sent approximately every 20-30 minutes (according to occupancy) from early morning until dusk, on the way 2-2. 5 hours. Get off the Bolivian minibus, cross the border of Bolivia and Peru on foot for about 2 km ( or by Bicycle / tuk-tuk for 3-5 second world war) and take the Peruvian bus (7 soles) or minivan (11 soles), they run every 20-30 minutes from 3 am to 22 PM. This section of the route takes another 2-3 hours.

Minibuses go faster, buses are slower, of course. Final stop: Terminal zonal sur bus station in Puno. There are also buses to the border of Bolivia and Peru from the satellite city of La Paz-El Alto. The fare is 10 second world war, but they go, of course, a little longer.

On the way, don’t forget to look at the Bolivian and Peruvian “Migracion” and put the exit/exit stamps. Otherwise, there will be problems with the police in the future, especially when leaving Peru.

Both on the Bolivian side and on the Peruvian side there are ATM and exchangers.

3. It is also possible to cross the Bolivian-Peruvian border in the locality of Puerto Acosta, but there is not much regular transport here, so you will probably have to change transport at the border, and moving by buses and minibuses-collectively in these regions, most likely, is possible only with transfers in smaller regional centers (municipalities).


From Bolivia to Chile

    • *to Calama , San Pedro de Atacama or Antofagasta, you can leave La Paz from The main terminal on the international Bolivian bus; from Potosi (Nueva terminal de buses, address: avenida las Banderas) or from Cochabamba (address: avenida Ayacucho );
    • * to Arica and Iquique from the main bus station in La Paz. All of them follow the Tambo/Quemado border crossing.
    • From Uyuni in Chile, they pass through Avaroa and Ollague to Calama or Atacama, read more about this at the link.


From Bolivia to Brazil

  • buses run from La Paz via Rurrenabake to the Guayaramerin / Guajara-Mirim border crossing. At the «bus station» (there are on we saw buses to these destinations.
They go only in the dry season from March to November, the ticket price is 240 BOB/$37, on the road 22-35 hours, the schedule needs to be specified.
address: 1 km down (to the center) on avenue de Las Americas, where it intersects with calle Virgen del Carmen

* Next to the Brazilian side, you need to cross the river on a multi-seat boat-collectivo (something like a water minibus), they are called lunchas, the price per person is 10 bolivianos, run from 6 am to 6 PM on average every 30 minutes.

You must stamp your passport at the Bolivian office of Guayaramerin (aveniva Costanera) and on the Brazilian side of Guajara-Mirim (avenida QuintinaBocaiuva, opening hours from 8 to 12, 2 to 5 PM).

  • to the border crossing of Bolivia and Brazil, Cobija via Riberalta (200 bolivianos from Rurrenabake)*;
  • in the Brazilian Pantanal through the border cities of Puerto Suarez or Cuijaro, you can drive from Santa Cruz for 70 BOB($70), by bus for 12 hours (+from La Paz to S. Cruz 90-170 boliviano/$13-24, on the way from 17 hours).

Yellow buses run from the border to the nearest town of Corumba on the Brazilian side for 2.5 Brazilian pesos.

From Bolivia to Argentina

  • from La Paz to Buenos Aires by direct bus from the main bus station, the price is 650 BOB($93), the journey is 48-50 hours;
  • to Buenos Aires by direct flight from Cochabamba, ticket price 550 BOB($579), 72 hours on the road (address: avenida Ayacucho );
  • from Sucre to B-Aires, there are buses at 13: 30, 17: 30 (address: calle Ostria Gutierrez/Guillermo Loayza);
  • From Potosi to the capital of Argentina the ticket price is 650 BOB;
    from Tarija to the Villazon-La Quiaca border)*;
  • from Villazon from the bus terminal to the Villazon — La Quiaca border checkpoint*;
  • Bus station in Sucre (on the map

You may need it*:

  1. La Paz-Tarija price 115-215 boliviano/$16-31, 20 hours by bus
  2. Santa Cruz-Tarija 90-115 BOB, 24 hours on the road
  3. La Paz-Tupiza 90 boliviano/$13, 20 hours
  4. Tarikha-Tupiza from 15 BOB in 2.5 hours

From Bolivia departure from the country 20-50boliviano/$2-7. The border is open from 7 am to 23 PM*

    • Also in Loneli, I saw information that you can get from Santa Cruz by train to the yacuiba border in 47 bolivianos, 16.5 hours on the road, the train runs on Tuesdays*.

From Bolivia to Paraguay

  • from Santa Cruz there are direct buses to the Paraguayan capital Asuncion, the ticket price is 250,000 Paraguayan Guarani/40dollars*
  • from Tarija to Villamontes 40-50 BOB, drive 9 hours, then transfer to the border of Fortin Infante Rivola
  • From Sucre to Camiri 100 second world war (14 hours), then → Boyuibe → Eugenio
  • From Santa Cruz to Camiri 30 boliviano in 5-6 hours on the road

Perhaps the information in this article about international buses from Bolivia to Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay is not enough to be sure. But we hope this will help you make your travel itinerary in South America.

It will be very cool and useful if you go through any of these ways and tell us about it and complete the article.

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